FoAM - Amsterdam
Founded in 2002, FoAM Lab in Amsterdam works at the intersection between art, technology and ecology. The studio is project-based and its methodologies have been gradually shifting towards fieldwork since 2010. The studio includes 4 gardens in Amsterdam, 3 of which are public: the edible garden at Jan Mayenplein since 2008 focusses on native edible herbaceous plants, de Tuin van Jan is a small public park we designed with teams of local residents lead by 5 experts also at Jan Mayenplein since 2013 and finally MidWest Experimental Station at Cabralstraat 1 id an urban orchard which serves as a hub for citizen science and artistic experimentation with a focus on climate adaptation and urban ecology.
- 1000 portals
- A Green Guide
- Animal Property Rights, Totems and ZoΓΆps
- Anthropocene: tended wildernesses
- ARTIS zoo residency Driessens / Verstappen
- ARTIS zoo residency Heather Barnett
- Delta Casus
- FieldAcademy - sensorial heritage
- Hiking with Monsters, a curriculum
- How to walk like something is around you
- ISEA 2012: Wild Edible Plants Walk
- Mammoth Soup
- Memory Practice #2
- MidWest Experimental Station
- MonsterCode StrandLAB
- Open Studio at FoAM Kernow
- Rough Sloterdijk
- Vegetal Culture
- AARE lab
- ArsBioarctica
- A seat for the sea
- Death and Regenerative Ecology
- Deep Steward
- Deep Steward @ Triennale di Milano
- Fieldwork conversation 1
- Fieldwork conversation 2
- Fieldwork conversation 3
- FoAM Ams anniversary
- Kunstmens Debate
- Machine Wilderness Dialogues
- Machine Wilderness exhibition
- Machine Wilderness Workshop
- Machine Wilderness workshop
- MonsterCode Amelisweerd
- Monstercode @ Summer Sessions
- Opening Machine Wilderness ARTIS
- otterdam
- Otter experiment
- Parliament of Things
- People of All Species
- Periscope Dune
- P~Lot and txOom at Tbilisi
- Practicing Exposure
- Residency Antti Tenetz
- Residency Driessens / Verstappen
- Residency Heather Barnett
- Residency Ian Ingram
- Residency Ivan Henriques
- Residency Ε pela PetriΔ
- Residency Thomas Thwaites
- Saints and Venerative Places Workshop
- UNGREEN - RandomForests talk
- Video-Journey 'In Keplers Gardens'
- watertanden